Our Services

Providing community- and equity-building consultations in Vermont and beyond.

Through in-person or virtual consultations and trainings, our work helps community and organizational leaders solve complex problems, and build the relationships needed to move toward a more equitable and just society.

Book a free consultation.

Community Engagement

Unlock the power and shared vision of community.

The Creative Discourse Team of talented associates designs and facilitates inclusive processes that connect the voices of community members (especially those whose voices have traditionally been marginalized) with decision-makers. We help communities come together in fun, highly interactive, culturally appropriate settings to solve problems, plan for the future and build community.

We offer:

  • Strategy Development

  • Youth Engagement

  • Dialogue Series

  • Community Forums 

  • Community Organizing

Education and Training

We offer interactive learning experiences that combine informative content with ample opportunities for dialogue and relationship building. We customize our offerings based on client needs and create space for the collective wisdom and lived experience of participants to come forward.

Our education programs and trainings cover:

  • Understanding and Addressing Inequity, Racism and Bias

  • Principles & Best Practices for Equitable Public Engagement

  • Facilitator Trainings

  • Community Organizing

  • Connecting Community Input with Decision-making

  • Leading With An Equity Lens

Leadership Development

Consistent with our philosophy that transformational change within organizations lies directly with the transformation of the people within them, we support the growth and development of organizational leaders and executive leadership teams.

Build your organization's leadership capacity and talk with us about how we might help fill skill and knowledge gaps through our custom tailored and personable coaching and consultation services.

We offer:

  • Executive Coaching and Counsel

  • Director Level Leadership Coaching

  • Board Consultation

  • Executive Peer Coaching and Group Facilitation

Organizational Change

In today’s evolving world, it is critical that organizations build a culture that embraces change. To create lasting and sustainable solutions to complex problems, our approach incorporates organizational assessments, employee support, competencies around equity and inclusion, and alignment with strategic plan goals.

The Creative Discourse Team of associates can help your team implement a collaborative change process that centers equity and inclusion.

We offer:

  • Change Management and Communication

  • Strategic Planning and Organizational Development

  • Organizational Equity Assessment

  • Racial Equity Initiative Design and Implementation

  • Employee Resource Group Development and Support

Speaking Events

The Creative Discourse Group’s team of associates delivers innovative and engaging talks that inspire creativity and empower diverse audiences. These conversations are driven by our robust mix of talent and stem from both professional and personal experiences.

Connect with us and let our thought leaders energize your team.

Ready to get started?