The Triple Burden

Exploring Black Women Leaders in Predominantly White Organizations

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The Triple Burden was conceptualized and coined by Dr. Nadia DuBose in her 2020 dissertation entitled The Triple Burden: Black Women Leaders in Predominantly White Institutions of Higher Education. In this body of work, Dr. DuBose investigated the experiences of Black women leaders in predominantly white institutions of higher education and what can be learned from these experiences to create more sustainable and empowering environments within these institutions.

The Triple Burden is an analytical framework for understanding how the weight of navigating complex issues impacted by race and gender in the personal lives of Black women outside of work carry over into work life. The concept acknowledges that Black women have unique, omnipresent, and compounding challenges that come from simply existing in our society and that these factors and forces never leave as Black women move throughout their work environments tripling the burden they carry.

To learn more, access Dr. DuBose’s full body of research here.

The Triple Burden is defined as the weight of navigating complex issues impacted by race and gender in the personal lives of Black women outside of work that carry over into work life.

— Dr. Nadia DuBose


This work is a significant addition to scholarship because it disrupts the status quo in scholarship by creating space for Black women, it uplifts the voices of Black women leaders to gain insight into their experiences, and it expands the quantity of research on Black women leaders.

— Dr. Nadia DuBose

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