Pride Center of Vermont


Pride Center of Vermont (PCVT) is the region’s most comprehensive community center dedicated to advancing community and the health and safety of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ+) Vermonters. They reached out to The Creative Discourse Group for assistance improving the dynamics of their team, with an eye towards building a more equitable, anti-racist culture.

During a day-long retreat, The Creative Discourse Group helped the team identify core values, experience a dialogue circle, and continue to build a shared understanding about the ways inequity, white supremacy culture, and other systemic issues often contribute to challenging team dynamics. The retreat was the catalyst for the formation of several work groups that continue to help the staff build their team and create systems for greater accountability and clarity.

Our entire team collectively agreed that your deft facilitation, wonderful recommendations, and detailed notes were very beneficial and helped us move towards building systems that support a healthier team dynamic
— Mike Bensel, Pride Center of Vermont Executive Director

Westbrook School District, Maine


Equity Summit & Dialogues, Winooski, VT