TCDG Associates lead“Equity & Inclusion in Local Government”session for Southern Vermont Economy Project
"Rey and Susan were amazing! Both were very well received and are super leaders."
Meg Staloff, Southern Vermont Economy Project
TCDG Associates Susan Clark & Rey Garofano recently led an engaging session on “Equity & Inclusion in Local Government”as part of the Southern Vermont Economy Project’s SoVermont Get On Board series. The session was designed to investigate how our system of local government, which was designed in a different era than the one we live in, is, or is not, inclusive and representative of the current residents of our communities – and to explore ways that change can take place. Rey shared about her inspirational personal journey which began with volunteering and has evolved into her serving as a State Representative. Susan Clark brought her extensive knowledge of how Vermont's local government functions and led participants through a dynamic polarity mapping exercise to help explore these issues.