

Malana Rogers-Bursen is a community organizer and urbanist with extensive experience in racial equity, community outreach strategies, participatory democracy, and collaborative research. She worked at Everyday Democracy for ten years as a coach and trainer for dialogue-to-change processes. In addition, she has worked with young people as a youth organizer on food disparities and designed curricula around intergenerational equity for youth and adults to work together on community issues. Malana has worked with a variety of racial justice and immigrant justice groups in the US and Switzerland, including Hartford Deportation Defense, CT Students for a Dream, Black Infinity Collective, the Alliance Against Racial Profiling, and the Racial Justice Student Collective. She has a B.A. in Political Science and an M.A. in Critical Urbanisms. Malana currently lives in Hartford, CT and is the Project Coordinator for Food Security, Environmental Justice and Sustainability at Wesleyan University.