Kesha grew up in her Indian immigrant father and Jewish American mother's Irish pub in Los Angeles, and finds deep power and beauty at the crossroads between different beliefs, experiences, and identities.

In 2018, Kesha graduated from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government with a Master in Public Administration. She is the first woman of color to serve in the State Senate and chairs the Senate Economic Development, Housing & General Affairs Committee while serving on the Senate Finance Committee. Prior to that, Kesha served four terms in the Vermont House of Representatives from 2008 to 2016 as the first person of color to represent Burlington and the youngest legislator in the country at the time.

In addition to working with The Creative Discourse Group, Kesha is a Senior Fellow with the Center for Whole Communities, exploring the intersection between poverty, race, and environmental health in Vermont to inform state policy. She has worked for the City of Burlington as the Civic Engagement Specialist and for Steps to End Domestic Violence as the Legal Advocacy Director. She previously served as Chair of the Vermont Attorney General's Immigration Task Force and on the boards of Planned Parenthood of Northern New England and the Vermont Natural Resources Council.
